Eloquest Healthcare®, Inc. is a team that transforms passion into results.
We are dedicated to taking a leadership role in providing education, brands, and services to provide value-added compassionate care solutions. These solutions benefit our customers by positively impacting patient satisfaction, risk management, and cost of care.
Our Corporate Vision comprises our Mission and Means Statements
Our Mission:
To passionately leverage every opportunity to provide our stakeholders (healthcare professionals, acute care patients, business partners, and our associates) with valued and trusted service, specialized products, and expertise that engender compassionate care.
Our Means:
We will pursue our mission emphatically by:
- working smarter
- generating more value
- serving with confidence
- bringing a sense of joy to our customers
Eloquest Healthcare® products deliver value by helping hospitals:
- save money
- reduce the risk of infection
- improve patient and caregiver satisfaction
The Eloquest product portfolio improves the quality of patient care by:
- minimizing dermal pain
- preserving the integrity of the skin
- ensuring the integrity of devices adhered to the skin
For more information, visit eloquesthealthcare.com.